Making money in Sea Of Thieves is vital. Luckily there are some easy ways to get gold quickly. One of the main aspects of being a true pirate is the love for gold. Every pirate wants it and when it comes to Sea of Thieves, every pirate needs it. From cosmetics to pets to weapons, most elements of this open-world game require money. The only issue is it can be incredibly tedious to get hold of.

So, if a player is looking for a new cannon or a new peg-leg then they often need upwards of a million gold. Gathering this amount of money can seem relatively daunting and time-consuming. However, with certain tips, tricks, and battles, any player will be able to get some treasure that will happily grant them the gold to make them feel like a pirate.

Updated September 16, 2022, by Gemma Johnson: Different ways to play and earn gold have grown over time in Sea of Thieves, with new ways to get gold fast appearing in the form of sea forts of Season 6 and the ability to cash in loot quicker in the Season 7 Captaincy update. There are undoubtedly faster and more efficient ways to earn gold in Sea of Thieves to help players reach the highly desired cosmetics and spectacular ship sets in the game.

Players always need to be watching the horizon for the opportunity to earn coins while casting aside the more time-consuming tasks in the game like Siren shrines, unless seeking out different types of reward, such as the Curse Of Sunken Sorrow. This article updates the best and most efficient ways to get gold fast in Sea of Thieves and adds 3 new entries.

Emissary Flag

The Gold Hoarders, Order Of Souls, Merchants Alliance And Athena's Fortune Emissaries In Sea of Thieves

Emissary Flags aren't exactly a new addition to Sea of Thieves but give big rewards. However, some players are hesitant to use them due to the idea that the crew becomes a bit of a target after sailing around with a grade five flag.

Any player who wants to make money in Sea of Thieves should always have an Emissary Flag up when completing voyages or tasks for the various Trading Companies. The flag grade increases quickly for a bigger, multiplicative reward on loot when sold back to the Trading Company represented. The bonuses are as follows:

Grade 1 0 Bonus
Grade 2 33% bonus on gold and reputation
Grade 3 67% bonus on gold and reputation
Grade 4 100% bonus on gold and reputation
Grade 5 150% bonus on gold and reputation

These are the best Trading Companies to represent:

  • Gold Hoarders
  • Reapers (although this will leave the ship marked on the map)
  • Merchants Alliance
  • Order Of Souls

Stealing Emissary Flags & Captain Log Books

A Merchant's Alliance Emissary Flag And Selling A Captain's Logbook To The Reapers In Sea Of Thieves

If a player's a bit of a chaotic pirate, they can steal a flag from an unsuspecting ship when sunk and sell it to the Servant of the Flame at the Reaper's Hideout. Doing this grants them a relatively good reward depending on the grade of the flag. It's best to do this with a high-grade flag on the ship so all the stolen loot will get a hefty bonus.

The Season 7 Captaincy update also enables players to sell Captain's Log Books to the Reapers, so it's worth keeping an eye on the waters for the floating books of captained ships as well as rogue loot, as some can be highly valuable.

Gold Hoarder Vaults

A Gold Hoarder's Vault In Sea of Thieves

One of the best quests to complete for fast gold is the Gold Hoarder's vault voyage with the Gold Hoarder's Emissary Flag raised.

Together, the crew sails the seas and deciphers clues in search of a hidden vault. The voyage includes intense map reading and puzzles topped off with a frantic stripping of the vault before the door shuts. It's a fun voyage to complete and gives the crew a few good emissary grades depending on the length of the job plus a plethora of chests, ornate treasures, and gold for their time.

Lost Shipment Voyages

Lost Shipment Voyage For the Merchant's Alliance and a Sunken Ship Sailing As An Emissary In Sea Of Thieves

Lost shipment voyages while representing the Merchant's Alliance are the perfect way to make a lot of money quickly. It's almost a guarantee that one go at this voyage will give the crew a grade-five flag and a multitude of treasures to sell after.

Grab the Merchant Alliance Emissary Flag and accept the lost shipment voyage quest. It takes the player along a puzzle-solving journey to find the sunken ship packed with lost treasures. After finding the Captain's Key and the Manifest, players will find a tidy sum of treasure to sell. Make sure to pick up and sell the Manifest to the Merchant's alliance last, before the flag, because that brings in a tidy sum.

PVP Pickings

A PVP Ship Battle In Sea of Thieves

Of course, nothing says grabbing a lot of loot like taking it off another player's ship. It's high risk but more often than not wealds a high reward if the correct ship is selected and the crew is strong and organized enough to do some quick and devastating damage.

It's something that will be risky but any ship with an Emissary Flag, especially Reapers, will be worth a considerable amount in gold and will increase the crew's reputation dramatically. Just remember that crew will probably have a bit of a chip on their shoulder for the rest of the game so keep an eye out and sell up quickly.

Skeleton Forts For A Bountiful Reward

A Skeleton Fort In Sea of Thieves

Along with a multitude of different world events, forts are a great way to get some gold while straying away from the quests and voyages, such as the challenging Fort of Fortune. Simply head towards the floating green skulls in the sky and the ship should sail near a skeleton fort. Orange means someone is already fighting them.

Skeleton forts require the crew to defeat waves of skeletons including bosses. It's a real challenge but once that wave has been completed, along with the skulls some skeletons drop, there will be a valuable vault for the crew to loot. Just watch out for other players trying to get involved.

Sea Forts For Fast Gold

A Sea Fort In Sea of Thieves

One of the fastest ways to earn gold in Sea of Thieves is to complete 1 or more of the 6 Sea Fort raids added in Season 6. These forts are particularly helpful for solo players as they are short and not too challenging. They give players a sizable ghostly treasure haul behind 2 locked doors, including randomized chests and skulls, albeit not as much treasure as found in Gold Hoarder vaults.

It's worth players raising either the Gold Hoarder's or Order of Souls Emissary Flag and completing multiple forts in a single session for maximum, quick loot.

Siren Treasuries

The Treasury Vault Entrance And Treasure In The Treasury Of Secret Wilds In Sea Of Thieves

Sometimes overlooked by players, Siren Treasuries are a pretty quick way of earning up to approximately 20 items of treasure, including the Chest of Ancient Tributes, which has a decent price tag for a chest.

There are 3 Treasuries in total, including the Treasury of Secret Wilds, so it's worth teaming up in a crew to sail to each one for a quick haul to battle the waves of enemies, remembering the difficulty adjusts according to crew size. Siren Shrines are often a bit more challenging and time-consuming in comparison, so players who are short on time may find the Treasuries preferable.

Seek Reaper's Bounty Treasure

A Reaper And Reaper's Bounty Treasure Chest In Sea of Thieves

One of the most valuable items in the game is the Reaper's Bounty Treasure Chest which can be worth a whopping 10,000 gold coins or more when sold at the Reaper's Hideout, with sailing as a Reaper Emissary at a high grade increasing its value.

It's risky business possessing a reaper's chest their location becomes visible to other players on the map, so players are likely to become a magnet for PVP attacks. It's also a game of chance whether a Reaper's Chest spawns. Despite this, the reward can be worth the risks.

Sea of Thieves is available now on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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